St. Mary's with St. Peter's

Bury St. Edmunds

Events Manager - Jackie Crofts: 07561 334695
Church Administrator - Katie Jackson: 01284 754680

Leading intercessions

Biblical guidance: Matthew 6:9-13; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Romans 8:26-27


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1. Receive the rota. Please be gracious! If you are not available, arrange a swap and tell the warden
2. Prepare the intercessions. Pray them yourself before the service.
3. Time yourself in advance, reading at ‘prayer speed’. Intercessions should not be longer than 4 minutes.
4. Arrive in church at least 10 minutes before service begins. Make sure the warden knows you are there.
5. Ask for feedback from service leader, your friends … and your enemies!


“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone”

The emphasis is that we pray for everyone everywhere. We do not pray for nations, but for leaders of the nations, and the people of those nations.

What am I actually praying for? What are we asking for?

We have a particular responsibility for our town and parish.

*Be alert to the latest news from paper/TV/radio: but don’t become a newsreader.

3. THE CHURCH (the people of God)

Caution: Focus on one or two things. Do not give a long list.


God works through individuals (2 Chronicles 36:22). If we don’t pray specific prayers we cannot expect specific answers. This is especially true when praying for mission (eg. Colossians 4:2ff)

Pray with confidence, trusting God’s promises (This is why we do not pray for the dead, although we can ‘Give thanks for them’, or ‘Remember them before God’)


What is big this coming week? (eg. Elections)

What has touched you this week? Financial difficulty? A successful business deal? A news story?

         Warning: Try not to be too personal: if there is something personal, make it a general.

What has touched the community? Use the specific to pray out to the general. (eg. A child killed in a road accident: “We pray for the family – that in their sorrow they will know comfort of friends, hope, strength and peace. We pray for other families who have lost children”). Ask – what is it (if anything) that people will have on their minds as they come to church (eg. school reorganization)

What are the issues that we are supporting or dealing with as a Christian community: mission focus, new curate, Christianity Explored and Introducing Jesus, Holiday club. Use notice sheet – usually on website by Friday.

What is the bible passage about? Does it give any hints? (Warning: Do not preach another sermon!)


1. Include standard forms of prayer (eg. Common Worship framework can be very helpful). But vary order if appropriate.

Forms can be found in Common Worship: (page 281-289) or on the Common Worship pages of the Church of England website.

Using responses: repeat response at beginning, so people know what it is that they are being asked to say. Keep the response very simple! Use background music: (eg. Taize, ‘O Lord hear my prayer’)

2. Use other forms

Vision statement:

Worship God (pray that God will be honoured); Teach bible (pray for bible teachers and home groups); Grow people in faith and love (pray for people suffering that they might be able to grow); Equip people to serve (pray for some of areas that we are serving, possibly include mission focus); Offer opportunities for people to meet with Jesus (pray for Introducing Jesus etc)

Hand: Give thanks; those who point the way; leaders (political, cultural, economic); those in need and those who care; ourselves

3. Add your own choice of prayers.
You may like to use

a) set prayers from service book
b) published prayers from other books
c) prayers you write yourself for the occasion

4. Keep prayers short and easy to concentrate on. Any prayers you choose/write should be no longer than the average ‘collect’ length.

5. Do not pray ‘spur of the moment’ prayers, unless you are sure it is appropriate. Usually they ramble and waffle.

6. Don’t try and cover everything. It might be right to simply focus on one country or on one situation.

7. Allow other people to pray 

8. Use an introduction (eg. ‘We pray for next week’s invitation service’), followed by silence and then a prayer, and/or a response.

9. Include thanksgiving in your prayers.


An opening sentence or promise from the Bible can set the right tone or theme for the prayers.


“Let us pray for the Church and for the world,
[and let us thank God for his goodness]”.

“In the power of the Spirit and in union with Christ,
let us pray to the Father”.

“From the rising of the sun to its setting, let us pray to the Lord”.

“Let us pray to the Father”. The chosen versicle and response follow.

One of these responses may be used in a set of prayers


Lord, in your mercy
All hear our prayer.

Lord, hear us.
All Lord, graciously hear us.

God of love
All hear our prayer.

Father of all
All hear your children’s prayer.

In faith we pray
All we pray to you our God.

Lord, meet us in the silence
All and hear our prayer.

In seasons

Father of life
All make known your glory.

Lord, revealed in the world
All hear our prayer.

Lord, we come to the cross
All in your mercy, hear us.

Lord of life
All in your mercy, hear us.

Father, Lord of creation
All in your mercy, hear us.

As we pray to the Father
All Lord, send your Spirit.

Father, by your Spirit
All bring in your kingdom.

Your kingdom come
All your will be done.

Ending prayers

Acknowledgement that we are praying together with the saints.

“Rejoicing in the fellowship of [N and of] all your saints,
we commend ourselves and the whole creation to your unfailing love.”

Liturgical endings:

‘Merciful Father …’

‘The Grace’ may be appropriate (occasionally) at the end of prayers, although for many people they will hear that as the end of the service.

Be open to the Spirit. You might be led to do something very different (eg. open prayer, splitting people into groups for prayer, active prayer) but please check with the service leader or vicar that it is appropriate for this particular service.


  • Remember to whom we are praying: ‘Our Father in Heaven’
  • Remember for what we are praying: ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done’
  • Remember why we are able to pray: ‘Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Lord’
  • Remember our need for the Holy Spirit

Other resources